Thursday, July 12, 2007

What a week!

Well as a lot of you know, Robert flipped his four wheeler on Friday night.
He is okay, THANK GOD, and when I say that, I mean I have seriously THANKED GOD
several times, that I made him wear a helmet. He got banged up pretty bad, and is bruised almost everywhere, but he is here, he is alive, and other than whining about the pain he is
good. My sister-in-law Kayla came down to help me with the kids while I tended to Robert and
his wounds. Again, THANK GOD she came down. Lucas got the flu at 4 in the morning Monday, and proceeded to give it to everyone except Kayla. I was out of commission all day yesterday with the flue. WHO gets the stomach flu in July? MY KIDS!
Big excitement of the week, and a touch sad for me. Justin rode the bus ALL BY HIMSELF to Sunday School on Sunday and he went to Sunday school instead of the nursery. He just left did not even turn around until I called his name to turn around and give me a hug. He was fine, I was in tears. My baby is rapidly becoming less of a baby.
*sniff sniff*

1 comment:

Doug & Stacy Fournier said...

Welcome to the blogging world! good job! how cute that justin went to church all by himself, it's hard when your kids grow up!