Sunday, October 28, 2007

Harvest Parties

Hello! Well Justin had his first school party this week. They had a harvest party on Friday. Even though Justin does not go to school on Friday's, he could come to the party as long as I stayed at the party with him. Well Justin's class during the week is not all that big, because preschool is broke up into blocks. Well on Friday their were about 20 kids their, and a lot of parents. SO needless to say, Justin acted very shy. I did convince him to do some things like he normall would.

Friday night our church was having a Harvest Party. Well we have not gone to church for a few weeks, because Robert's work schedule has been so crazy. Someone quit, so he has been picking up the hours. Okay first of all, our next door neighbor stopped by to tell us about the party. So we go on Friday night, I am wearing jeans and a nice sweater, well we walk in and I notice that every single woman is wearing a skirt. So... I felt very out of place and uncomfortable. Also I am very very shy, and uncomfortable around big groups of people, and people that I do not know all that well. So Robert played games, which were very very funny to watch. The boy's got to do a pinata, and it was really a good time. I did cave in and joined a group of people for a very active game of chair volleyball. My next door neighbor introduced me to some women in the church, which was very nice. So they convinced me to come by myself on Sunday's when Robert can not come. Let me tell you going to church this morning, without my husband was so hard. First of all, I already feel like a part of me is missing when I am not with him, and he is my rock. You know? I am okay as long as he is with me holding my hand. But I always tell Justin he has to be brave in situations he is not comfortable with. So I went to the young adult bible class this morning (by myself), and to church this morning (by myself). One of the woman that I met on Friday night, asked me to come sit with her so I was not all by myself. While I am glad that I went, I still felt very lost sitting their with out my husband.
I am going to go to the ladies conference in Turner if I can get a babysitter for the boy's. I am looking forward to getting to know other women in my church and in Maine, really. I have heard that so many of them enjoy the conference so much, and they said it is really heart warming. So I am praying that I able to find a babysitter.

Oh yeah, I also found out this weekend what a small world Maine is. Ha Ha. I ran in to lady at the craft fair at our church on Saturday who knows Sarah, her mom, and her sister Stacy. The ladies daughter went to school with Stacy. Her name is Miranda. So I am suppose to tell Sarah, Stacy, and Mary, Hello from Miranda's mom!

Back to Friday night, other than me being the only woman not in a skirt. I am a jeans and a sweatshirt kind of girl. I have two boys, wearing a skirt all the time is just not practical. Anyway... the games they played were so fun. They played tug a intertube, which I took two videos of. In one of the games, Robert had a good hold on the intertube, and pastor was listerally trying to pull Robert off of the intertube. It was hilarious. So I hope you enjoy the pictures and the videos.

I did go to church this evening with my husband and the boys. It was so nice. Just to be there and hear the word of God with my whole family. It was nice to have Robert right beside me holding my hand.
I started writing this blog early in the day, and now it's almost nine. SO I was able to find a babysitter for my boys, and will have the privelage to attend the Ladies Conference in Turner. I am truly looking forward to that.

I hope everyone is doing well. Jordan I hope that you are starting to get some comfort.

Have a good week.

1 comment:

J & S Bernard + One said...

love the video-how funny. i never saw bob doing something like that. i did not know he was so outgoing.looks like you had tons of fun.good for you on going to church by yourself. i know how hard it is. cant wait to see you